Friday, September 9, 2011

My Son the Comedian

Well the great news is Samuel was 5 pounds as of Sept 2 and the specialist was very happy with that.  And my OB says that if I go into labor they won't stop me.  So I guess that means they are happy with all. 
As for the cleft.  This is where people say well he is probably shy.  Well I am not so sure.  I think God is telling him not to show us.  We are supposed to just trust God.  Whether a small cleft, big cleft or no cleft at all.  God is in control and He will be with us the whole way through.  God has been there for me my whole life but at times I forget that all will be ok.  Life has not been easy, but God has always shown He has been there.  So I feel that God once again wants us to remember that no matter what our future holds, He will be there.  Plus how shy can he be if in every ultrasound the first thing he is willing to show is the fact that he is a boy?  Really...  no that is not shy, that another reason I know my son is a comedian and that he is working with God to show that there is a reason we are not allowed to see the whole extent of the cleft.

I know he is a comedian for that reason and this, I am not allowed to sit in ways I find comfortable or have my arms or stuff resting on my tummy.  He kicks or punches until I move or move it away and then he stops and is fine.  He seriously cracks me up already.  I am loving him sooooo much.  Can't wait to see what other stuff he tries to pull on us as he grows up.  I know I am so going to have to work on not laughing my head off as he tries to get away with stuff on us. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I totally agree. It is like God is asking, "Do you trust me?" We know that everything will work out for the good. God has blessed us with this child and we will continue to learn much more with this son of ours.
