To me John 15 says it all. We are forewarned from Jesus Himself the He is the only way to get to Heaven and that Christianity is not easy. The only part that is easy is to accept Jesus is the only way. Well for some it is easy and as you can tell for a lot it is not easy.. what? they ONLY way? why? The stubbornness in man makes it not so easy. We are told to do one thing only and we want to do something else. We are told it can't work and we want to prove them wrong. Stubbornness comes in handy at times like survival but not when following Jesus. And that is just the beginning of it not being easy. Even though that should just be the easiest part. To get to Heaven you need to get on this bus. It is us who make that part hard. Why that bus? why not a car? why not walk? What we forget is that God sent His only Son to die for us.. in our place. Jesus does not just tell us what to do but He did it first. He is right there with us holding our hands taking us through what He is talking about. That is the reason for the Bible. It is a history lesson, a love story, a guide, and helping us in this life to understand there is nothing new going on with us that has not happened before and we are not alone. Here are a couple of the parts of John 15 that really stuck out to me today.
Jhn 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
I mean Jesus not only tells us what is expected of us he did it as well. So why is is so hard for us.. you think wow yeah will I will jump in front of a car or a bullet for some one. But The whole chapter says so much more than just the surface of what we read. Sometimes it is driving and picking some one up who is stranded during the Superbowl or World Series. Sometimes it is getting out of our own hurt and helping some one with their hurt. Sometimes it is taking time out of your busy schedule to visit a sick friend or family member. Sometimes it is giving up your coffee money for the guy on the street who is hungry. It is more, way more than you can even think of. Sacrificing what you find valuable to help some one who just can't help themselves. That is what God looks at and rewards us for doing. It is easy to take your free time and your extra money to help others with. It is the sacrifice that makes us shine.
Jhn15:18 | "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. |
This is one thing especially in these times we need to keep in mind. The Bible is really clear about the end times and what will happen. So we really should not be surprised as sad as it is when anything Christian sounding sends most of the people around us into a hissyfit. Hold on to Jesus and the knowledge He gives us in the Bible. God is in control and has already Won because of the sacrifice Jesus did for us. We may lose battles and have heart ache but be content. The sacrifice has made it so the war is won. I could go on and make this longer with examples but I am pretty sure you know what I am talking about. Just turn on the news, especially some of the more liberal channels and see how excited they are to see morals going out the window. Morals are not the reason people want things to happen or not happen anymore. It is sad but hold on to the fact that they hate Jesus not you, and that Jesus is bigger than them. And in the end when we are up in our Fathers house we will no longer remember the bad times here. God loves us and is always reaching out for us. We need to reach back up to Him and keep Him first.
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